Gladden Farms Elementary, within the Marana Unified School District, is a preK-6 school offering an inspiring and enriching Computer Science immersion academic experience, and an innovative state of the art learning environment. Teachers integrate coding, Lego robotics, and creating Minecraft computer science games with curriculum content in English language arts, math, science, and social studies to create an engaging, interactive and fun learning environment where students are provided skills for the high growth, high demand jobs of the future.
Home of the Bobcats, Gladden Farms Elementary offers pre-school, full-day FREE kindergarten, before and after school care, gifted and special education, full-time Master level school counselor, health services, librarian, music, arts, physical education, and more.
Our school provides a diverse educational experience for the 21st century by incorporating student Chromebooks and collaborative comfortable configurable furniture, into comprehensive, relevant, and rigorous instruction. Our building design fosters transparency in teaching and learning, with flexible learning areas that create a variety of options for collaborative learning groups. Furniture supports the different needs of our students, with a variety of comfortable chairs, rocking stools, cushion, and bench seats. Students are challenged, relationships are built, and teaching is focused on individual student achievement.
For outdoor play, along with our swings, slide, and climbing bars, we have a walking/running track, large grass field, basketball court, and a covered court for shade.
In establishing our school culture during the opening year of Gladden Farms Elementary, our staff prioritized that every learner will feel valued at our school. We have adopted strategies school-wide to create consistency in how we build trusting classroom communities, where students feel safe in risk-taking, and in collaborating with each other.
As a Marzano High Reliability School that has achieved Level 1 certification, creating a Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative culture, we are committed to transforming our school into an organization that takes proactive steps to ensure student success. Level 1 certification is the foundation for every level that follows. Without such a culture, student achievement will be compromised.